jander new texts |
on this page you may find my most current writings. |
some weeks ago i visited a lecture of esther dischereit. she has a new book out: rauhreifiger mund oder andere nachrichten. i wrote a review. read it here. |
harald welzer published a new book with the title opa war kein nazi. i wrote a review. it was published in gewerkschaftliche monatshefte. |
bernd rabehl published a bad new book with the title rudi dutschke. revolutionär im geteilten deutschland. i wrote a review. it was published in die tageszeitung. |
the newspaper jungle world published my new article on how east germans delt with national socialism. read it here: wir sind die opfer! |
the newspaper tageszeitung published my new article on gas war research during national socialism. my grandfather gerhart jander was a gas war researcher in the 20s and 30s. |